I simplify new ideas and turn them into apps.
iPhone, iPad, WATCH, tv • Swift + Objective C
Let's make an app
Personalized brain training with research-backed games
Personalized brain training with research-backed games

Elevate is the most highly polished design I've ever built. From 1.20 to 3.0; I refined animations, tested assumptions and implemented new designs for every major component. Thousands of ratings consistently averaged above four and a half stars. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

My own experiment in shipping an app while it's still baking
My own experiment in shipping an app while it's still baking
Chubbyy is a virtual pet for your fingers. He doesn't do or say much yet, but he gets excited when you love him. Some day eventually he wants to spend most of his time on your wrist. For now he has a teleporter than lets him be in both places at once.
Available now in fine App Stores everywhere.